III. Integration of vulnerable groups in the labour market - fighting youth unemployment in Germany,           Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania.

Goals of the seminar
List of the participants

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Goals of the seminar

The project was focused on the integration of young people in the labour market. The group of participants included national representatives of the labour ministries, regional public employment services as well as members of the social partner organisations. The conference aimed at reinforcing co-operation of concerned institutions and organisations in the old and new member states.

In particular, the conference aimed at the following:

  • Exchanging information about good practices in the EU countries
  • Developing strategies to increase the employability of vulnerable groups (young people) particularly in the new member states and to overcome negative attitudes towards young inexperienced workers
  • Developing schemes allowing on-the-job training opportunities, which are essential to increase the employability
  • Developing measures to evaluate the performance of training programmes for youth


Conference was held at the Castle of Genshagen, November 18 - 20, 2005

  Friday, November 18th

Before 13:00

Arrival of the participants

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 16:00

Presentation of participants
Introduction to the content of the seminar

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 18:30

Plenary session 1st Part:

Labour market in Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania - an overview

Joachim Volz, DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research), Germany

Mariann Rigó, Ministry of Finance, Hungary

Michaela Návratilová, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic
Presentation: part 1 part 2

Ivan Takáč, Aarhus Technical College in Denmark, Slovakia
Presentation: part 1 part 2

Anna Ruzik, Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Poland

Jolanta Šliužiene, Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania

Moderation: Dieter Rehwinkel, Foundation Genshagen

18:30 - 19:30


19:30 - 21:00

Plenary session 2nd Part:

Youth unemployment and its causes

Maciej Duszczyk, Office of the Committee for European Integration, Poland

Anna Zaroba, Garage Lausitz, Germany

Rasa Zabarauskaite, Julija Moskvina, Institute of Labour and Social Research, Lithuania

Presentation: part 1 part 2

Eva Berde, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary

Jan Kejzlar, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic

Moderation: Anna Hofmann, Foundation Genshagen

  Saturday, November 19th



Strategies for increasing the employability of young people: exchange of good practices

9:00 - 11:00

Workshop 1:

Structures: public policy, public-private initiatives
Moderation: Eva Berde, Hungary

9:30 - 17:00

Workshop 2:

Experiences in the field: education and training, job search and advice
Moderation: Anna Ruzik, Poland

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 16:00

Presentation and discussion of results

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee break

16:30 - 17:30

Closing plenary session:
Conclusions and possibilities of further common action

17:30 - 18:15



Departure to Berlin (by bus)

Evening Culture Programme in Berlin

  Sunday, November 20th

Morning Departure of participants

Programme in pdf

List of the participants

  Rasa Zabarauskaite

Institute of Labour and Social Research, Lithuania

  Julija Moskvina

Institute of Labour and Social Research, Lithuania

  Jolanta Šliužiene

Ministry of Social Security and Labour, Lithuania

  Maciej Duszczyk

Office of the Committee for European Integration, Poland

  Małgorzata Kałaska

Career Services at Cracow University of Technology, Poland

  Anna Ruzik

Institute of Labour and Social Studies, Poland

  Beata Grudzińska

Poznań School of Social Sciences, Poland

  Marcin Grochowski

Federation of Social Organisations, Poland

  Ursula Klingmüller

Ministry of Labour, Social, Health and Family Affairs in Brandenburg, Potsdam, Germany

  Andreas Petschick

Spreewaldforum GmbH, Germany

  Joachim Volz

DIW, Germany

  Gabriele Raasch

SUPRA GbR, Germany

  Anna Zaroba

SUPRA GbR, Germany

  Anna Hofmann

Foundation Genshagen, Germany

  Dirk Hofmann

Association Ost trifft West - West trifft Ost e.V., Germany

  Dieter Rehwinkel

Foundation Genshagen, Germany

  Malwina Pryjda

Foundation Genshagen, Association Ost trifft West - West trifft Ost, Germany

  Eva Berde

Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration Department of Economics, Hungary

  Mariann Rigó

Ministry of Finance, Hungary

  Jan Kejzlar

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic

  Michaela Navrátilová

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic

  Ivan Takač

AMP, Slovakia

  Julius Mastilak

Comenius University, Slovakia

Alexandra Stepanova

Central Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, Slovakia

  Štefan Franko

Infoconsult n.o., Slovakia

  Ivana Piatnicová

Infoconsult n.o., Slovakia

  Jaroslav Hrebik

Civil Association "Bačovska Škola", Slovakia

  Janko Hrebik Civil Association "Bačovska Škola", Slovakia
